Daguerreotype camera with plate holder made by Alphonse Giroux, 1839. Daguerreotype camera with plate holder made by Alphonse Giroux 1839
Original Daguerreotype lens inscribed 'Le Daguerreotype Chez Alphe Giroux et Compe a Paris', A172982, B332; c. 1840. Daguerreotype lens 1840
Phenakistiscope disc, hand colour lithograph of man playing cymbals and sticking out tongue. Phenakistiscope disc circa 1840
Original Daguerreotype lens inscribed 'Le Daguerreotype Chez Alphe Giroux et Compe a Paris', with reversing mirror and fitted box, No. 168496, B216; c. 1840. Daguerreotype lens 1840